Around the World Cybercrop All The Challenges!

 All the 'Around the World' cybercrop challenges are now up in the Facebook group. I've complied them all together below here too. If you're playing along for a prize you have until Tuesday midnight, (GMT time) to complete them all to receive an extra goodie in your next kit. If you're playing along just for fun you can complete them at your leisure. Hope you find the challenges good for pushing you out of your comfort zone!
xx Leo

Welcome to the Around the World Cybercrop! Virtually visit eight destinations and follow the challenge prompts.

Notes before departure:
Create a project using all of the challenge prompts. What you make is entirely up to you, it can be a scrapbook page layout, a pocket card layout, a travellers notebook page, card, a mini book etc. Upload anything you make to the relevant gallery in the group or add them to Instagram and tag them with @craftytemplates. If you’d rather keep your projects private you can email them to me at Complete all eight challenges to receive an extra goodie in your next kit box. Closing date to complete the challenges is midnight GMT time Tuesday September 1st 2020.

Challenge 1 - Denmark

From our base in the UK we begin our epic around the world journey by flying over to Denmark. The Danish flag is red and white with a plus design. Did you know the Danish flag is the oldest design in the world? It’s had the same design since 1370! Denmark is the homeland of writer Hans Christian Andersen and one of the most well known landmarks in Denmark is the character of ‘The Little Mermaid’ depicted as a bronze sculpture in the sea. Denmark is also home to the amazing engineering feat the Øresund Bridge, (see a video about the bridge: which connects Denmark by road and rail across and under the sea to Sweden.

- Use the colours red and white and plus/cross shape/s, (can be one big cross shape or little ones) in your design.
- Split your design into two distinct areas and link them via embellishments.
- Feature a book title or character name from a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale as part or all of your title or somewhere in your journalling. Book title examples: The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Ducking, The Snow Queen, Thumberlina, The Princess and the Pea etc. You can use any others you can find and spin offs too, (such as Frozen etc.).

Challenge 2 - Italy

After our trip to Denmark we’re heading through Northern and central Europe into the south and have ended up in Italy! The Italian flag is made of green, white and red vertical stripes. It’s home to the island city of Venice, ancient Rome, (take a virtual roam around Rome here: and fashionable Milan. It’s also the birthplace of the most epic food including, (arguably) the best recipe ever invented, pizza!!
- Use red, green and white along with vertical stripes in your design.
- Use a circle element inspired by pizza. This doesn’t need to look exactly like  pizza just consist of a circular shape with something added/embellished on top. You could go big, like using a wreath design or think tiny and add glitter to an enamel dot or anything else you can think of in between.!
-Use something that’s water based or water soluble. This can be any liquid medium, (like watercolour or ink) or pigment powder you add water too.

Challenge 3 - Botswana

From Italy we’re travelling further south, heading towards South Africa and stopping of in beautiful Botswana! The flag of Botswana is light blue with a vertical black stripe bordered in white. Botswana is home to the Kalahari Desert and the awe inspiring Okavango Delta,
Botswana is home to the most African Elephants in the whole world and if we take a safari we can see more amazing animals such as lions, leopards, cheetahs, rhino, hippopotami, giraffes, zebras, impala, wild dogs and so so many more! Did you know that the worlds second largest diamond ever found was mined in Botswana just last year? It weighs 352g and was bought, (for undisclosed millions!) by the company Louis Vuiton. 
- Use light blue and black as part of your design
- Feature an animal or animals on your project or as your photo subject
- Use gems or another sparkly element

Challenge 4 - India

We leave Africa and set sail in the Indian Ocean drifting north towards the Arabian Sea. We pass beautiful tropical islands and archipelagos, Madagascar,  Réunion, Mauritius, Seychelles, ( Maldives but eventually we hit the coast of our next destination, India! The flag of India is saffron yellow, green and white with the Ashoka Chakra, (wheel shape) in the centre. India is home to almost 1.3 billion people! Home of the iconic Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world. It’s the land of colour and spice. If you visit in the Spring you may find yourself covered in rainbow-hued powder during Holi festivities!

- Use dark orange/yellow, green, white and navy in your design.
- Base your layout/project on something, some place or a person you love.
- Feature a rainbow embellishment or use a rainbow design in your background.

Challenge 5 - Singapore

From India we’re heading across the Bay of Bengal stopping off in Thailand before making our way down to our next destination,        Singapore! The flag of Singapore is read and white horizontal band design with a white crescent moon and five stars. Singapore is island based, made up of not just the main island but 64 others! Before we even get out of the airport we can see the world’s tallest indoor      waterfall, wow!
Singapore is home to the world’s first night zoo where visitors can see animals in their nocturnal habitats. Singapore also hosts their F1 race at night at the Marina Bay Street Circuit. We also need to visit      Gardens by the Bay to see the ‘super trees’ and the largest green house in the world,

- Use the colour red plus five star shaped embellishments.
- Use a black or other dark coloured background.
- Include a botanical theme or element.

Challenge 6 - Australia

We’re leaving Singapore and heading north east toward the Java Sea. North from the beautiful island of Bali we can see a very large land mass appearing..... Crikey mate, looks like we’ve made it to Australia!
The Australian flag has a star pattern that represents the commonwealth star and the Southern Cross constellation which can always been seen year round over the continent. Home to the Great Barrier Reef, the largest living organism in the world! Australia is so big it’s the only whole country that’s also a continent. The indigenous Aboriginal peoples are estimated to have lived in Australia for 50,000 years! Uluru, (Ayers Rock) is sacred to the people - it’s an awe inspiring site! Australia is also famous for its wildlife. We can see Koala, Kangaroo, Wombats, Platypus, Dingo, Emu, Kookaburra and so many more!
- Feature something oversized on your design
- Use the oldest item in your stash
- Use the colour combination shown, Barrier Reef turquoise, Outback Orange and Koala Grey as part of your design.

Challenge 7 - USA

From Australia we're jumping across the Coral Sea and heading north east into the North Pacific Ocean. Wave over Hawaii, (aloha!) until we hit the Californian coast of the USA!
The flag of the United States is red, white and blue with 13 stripes and 50 stars representing each state. While we cross  California famous for Hollywood we can step into Nevada, home to infamous Las Vegas and notorious area 51! Then we can hop over to Utah. Utah is where all of the American Crafts branded goodies in your kits travel from! Working across the USA we're waving to Kansas 'Hey Dorothy!' into Missouri, north toward Pennsylvania and stopping in New York City! Phew, let's take a break in the big apple famous for it's skyscraper landscape, shopping, world class museums and galleries and of course the Statue of Liberty!

- Use red, white and blue in your design
- Include 13 'stripes', these could be strips of paper or lines drawn somewhere or lines of stitching or any other way you can think of to incorporate 13 'stripes' in your design.
- Use something from the American Crafts brand, (these can be Thickers or any of the American Crafts designers, Crate Paper, Amy Tangerine, Pink Paislee etc.)

Challenge 8 - UK

We’re almost at the end of our journey, it’s now time to head back to where we began. We have a long lonely stretch flying north east across the Atlantic Ocean towards Belfast, Northern Ireland our first port of call in our final destination, the United Kingdom. There are so many sites to visit in Northern Ireland but let’s head off to see UNESCO world heritage site the Giants Causeway. It’s unique hexagonal columns were formed from a volcanic eruption around 60 million years ago! Let’s follow the rest of the beautiful coastline all the way to Larne to catch the ferry over to Cairnryan in our next stop off in Scotland! Home to the fairytale like highlands where we can see beautiful Scottish Wildcats and learn the legend of the Loch Ness monster! Did you know Scotland is where golf was invented in the 15th century? It was so popular it was banned by the king at the time! Let’s make our way south for a little jaunt through England! We’re starting off in the beautiful Lake District, let’s get some Kendal mint cake for the journey, (although Grasmere gingerbread is better so we need that too!) . We’ll head north through the Yorkshire Dales and the Peaks, stopping off for a visit to Chatsworth House.  Down further we’ll head towards London to do the obligatory photo op outside Buckingham Palace before heading back up towards historic Oxford and while we’re heading this way we can visit Stratford-upon-Avon, birthplace of William Shakespeare! Finally we can head towards our final stop off in Wales! Wales has the highest peak in the whole of the UK in the Snowdonia National Park. It also has the most castles than anywhere else in the whole world! 
We have four challenge prompts for this final challenge for each stop off in the UK but you can leave off one of the prompts if you’d like - like the rest of the challenges though you need to include 3!
-Use an hexagonal shape somewhere on your layout.
- Put a hole somewhere on your layout, it can be something big like a cut file or something small like a punched out hole in an embellishment. You could get creative and maybe use eyelets or some shaped punches to make a pretty border? Out of all of the elements on your design there must be a hole in at least one!
- Use a Shakespeare quote or any of the words he invented in your title or journalling.
- Use a design element inspired by a castle. It could be hidden journalling that opens like a drawbridge? Paper pieces stacked up like blocks in a castle wall? Or maybe simple a long tall strip of paper inspired by a turret?

Love Scraplift

I'm loving these kit papers but it's been difficult to pick which ones to use because I like both sides of all of them!
I started diving in with a scraplift. It's not often that I'll completely copy a layout but I loved this paper from the main kit and didn't know how to use it without covering up too much. I browsed Paige Evans' blog and discovered Paige had made a beautiful page with the paper already and decided I'd just go ahead and do a complete scraplift!
Here's Paige's original layout:

Here's my finished layout:

I started by punching around the edge of the 'love' paper sheet with a Fiskars boarder punch in one place on each edge and cut around the rest of the edge with my paper trimmer. I then cut the middle from the floral paper and glued that over the top of the blue cardstock.
I cut around the edges of some of the floral design on the love paper and lifted up the edges. I then mixed up some of the Nuvo Shimmer Powder thickly, so two dips of a wet brush into a pile of the powder  to make a paste like paint and then tapped it from the brush to make drips all over the paper.

When the paint was dry I glued the love paper to the blue card piece and stitched around the edges. I also stitched around the edges of the photo before sticking it over the o tucking two pieces of doily behind and layering over a piece of the ephemera from the Bloom pack.
I finally added some Nuvo drops around the letters and sketched around some of the leaves in white pen.
The mini alpha stickers I added from my stash, they're really old October Afternoon ones from a past kit. They matched my vintage photo with the font and the yellow colour from the paper.
Hope you're enjoying your new kit box! We're not having a month long challenge over the coming weeks but look out for a full month long celebration for Scrapbooking day in May!
xx Leo 

Snippets challenge #4

Here are the details for the forth of the new weekly challenges. The new challenge is called:
Each new challenge post will feature a different set of snippets of layouts zooming in on their design detail elements. The challenge will be to include at least two of those elements in your own project.
How it works:
I'll post up details of each new challenge every week over five weeks, (this being challenge number 4). Each new challenge will be posted here every Sunday for you to follow along with, (I'll also add the same details to the Facebook group).
Complete all the Snippets weekly challenges to be eligible for an extra goody in your next kit box! The closing date to complete all the challenges is 29th March 2020. All projects must be new projects made specifically for this challenge. You can use any stash you choose but it's a great opportunity to dig into your kits!
The forth of the Snippets challenges is here:

The snippets for this challenge are:
1. Put a photo in a frame
2. Make hand cut arrow shapes from patterned paper
3. Give your layout a patterned paper border
4. Use cut off strips or other patterned paper strips in your layout.

Pick out at least two snippet elements to use on your own project. You can use more than two elements on your project if you like so you could have a go at mixing design elements from all four of the snippets. The two is a minimum requirement.

Ready to get going with your own layout?
Once you've finished your creation upload it to your platform of choice.
For Instagram tag @craftytemplates and mention it's for the Snippets #4 Quirky Kit challenge so I can find it.
For Facebook add it to the Quirky Kits Group on the post for each new challenge or else mention it's for the Snippets #4 challenge when you post it so I can find it.
For blog add a link to your project from your blog in the comments below any of the Snippets challenge posts on the Quirky Kits blog.
Or if you'd prefer to keep your project private you can email them directly to
I'll post up the final challenge next week then you get an extra week to finish up your projects. They must be all done and uploaded or emailed by March 29th 2020.
Have fun!
xx Leo

Snippets challenge #3

Here are the details for the third of the new weekly challenges. The new challenge is called:
Each new challenge post will feature a different set of snippets of layouts zooming in on their design detail elements. The challenge will be to include at least two of those elements in your own project.
How it works:
I'll post up details of each new challenge every week over five weeks, (this being challenge number 3). Each new challenge will be posted here every Sunday for you to follow along with, (I'll also add the same details to the Facebook group).
Complete all the Snippets weekly challenges to be eligible for an extra goody in your next kit box! The closing date to complete all the challenges is 29th March 2020. All projects must be new projects made specifically for this challenge. You can use any stash you choose but it's a great opportunity to dig into your kits!
The third of the Snippets challenges is here:
The snippets for this challenge are:
1. Journalling or stamping in a circle.
2. Fussy cut out embellishments from patterned paper.
3. Make an embellishment with a punched out or die cut shape.
4. Stitch/sew around a shape or embellishment. 

Pick out at least two snippet elements to use on your own project. You can use more than two elements on your project if you like so you could have a go at mixing design elements from all four of the snippets. The two is a minimum requirement.

Ready to get going with your own layout?
Once you've finished your creation upload it to your platform of choice.
For Instagram tag @craftytemplates and mention it's for the Snippets #3 Quirky Kit challenge so I can find it.
For Facebook add it to the Quirky Kits Group on the post for each new challenge or else mention it's for the Snippets #3 challenge when you post it so I can find it.
For blog add a link to your project from your blog in the comments below any of the Snippets challenge posts on the Quirky Kits blog.
Or if you'd prefer to keep your project private you can email them directly to

I'll post up the rest of the new challenges every Sunday for the remaining two weeks you'll then get an extra week to finish up your projects. They must be all done and uploaded or emailed by March 29th 2020.
Have fun!
xx Leo

Snippets Challenge #2

Here are the details for the second of the new weekly challenges. The new challenge is called:
Each new challenge post will feature a different set of snippets of layouts zooming in on their design detail elements. The challenge will be to include at least two of those elements in your own project.
How it works:
I'll post up details of each new challenge every week over five weeks, (this being challenge number 2). Each new challenge will be posted here every Sunday for you to follow along with, (I'll also add the same details to the Facebook group).
Complete all the Snippets weekly challenges to be eligible for an extra goody in your next kit box! The closing date to complete all the challenges is 29th March 2020. All projects must be new projects made specifically for this challenge. You can use any stash you choose but it's a great opportunity to dig into your kits!
The second of the Snippets challenges is here:
The snippets for this challenge are circle photos, circle paper pieces with embellishments layered on top, a layered butterfly and typewriter style journalling.

Pick out at least two snippet elements to use on your own project. You can use more than two elements on your project if you like so you could have a go at mixing design elements from all four of the snippets. The two is a minimum requirement.

Ready to get going with your own layout?
Once you've finished your creation upload it to your platform of choice.
For Instagram tag @craftytemplates and mention it's for the Snippets #2 Quirky Kit challenge so I can find it.
For Facebook add it to the Quirky Kits Group on the post for each new challenge or else mention it's for the Snippets #2 challenge when you post it so I can find it.
For blog add a link to your project from your blog in the comments below any of the Snippets challenge posts on the Quirky Kits blog.
Or if you'd prefer to keep your project private you can email them directly to

I'll post up the rest of the new challenges every Sunday for the remaining three weeks you'll then get an extra week to finish up your projects. They must be all done and uploaded or emailed by March 29th 2020.
Have fun!
xx Leo

New Weekly Challenge - Snippets

Hi Leo here, happy new kit time!
Here are the details for the first of the new weekly challenges. The new challenge is called:


Each new challenge post will feature a different set of snippets of layouts zooming in on their design detail elements. The challenge will be to include at least two of those elements in your own project.
How it works:
I'll post up details of each new challenge every week over the next five weeks, (this being challenge number 1). Each new challenge will be posted here on the Quirky Kits blog for you to follow along with, (I'll also add the same details to the Facebook Group).
Complete all the Snippets weekly challenges to be eligible for an extra goody in your next kit box! The closing date to complete all the challenges is 29th March 2020. All projects must be new projects made specifically for this challenge. You can use any stash you choose but it's a great opportunity to dig into your kits!
The first of the Snippets challenges is here:

There are four snippets of different layouts featured here all including a unique design element. Pick out at least two elements to use on your own project. It could be the tag layers from the second layout mixed with the arrow element from the forth one. It could be the splashes from the forth snippet and the second snippet mixed with the idea of positioning stickers/diecuts inside a heart like the top layout. You can use more than two elements on your project if you like so you could have a go at mixing design elements from all four of the snippets. The two is a minimum requirement.

Ready to get going with your own layout?

Once you've finished your creation upload it to your platform of choice.
For Instagram tag @craftytemplates and mention it's for the Snippets #1 Quirky Kit challenge so I can find it.
For Facebook add it to the Quirky Kits Group on the post for each new challenge or else mention it's for the Snippets #1 challenge when you post it so I can find it.
For blog add a link to your project from your blog in the comments below any of the Snippets challenge posts on the Quirky Kits blog.
Or if you'd prefer to keep your project private you can email them directly to
I'll post up the rest of the new challenges every Sunday for the following four weeks you'll then get an extra week to finish up your projects. They must be all done and uploaded or emailed by March 29th 2020.
Have fun!
xx Leo


Hi everyone I'm back on the blog today with another layout. 

With this layout I focused on the beautiful stars from the Crate Paper Snowflake collection.

Supplies Used:

Main Kit:
CP Snowflake Puffy Phrase and Icon Thickers
CP Snowflake - Winterscape 12x12 paper
CP Snowflake 6x12 Accent stickers 

Extras Kit:
CP Snowflake 6x8 pad

This layout actually used very few supplies - mainly just using the 6x8 pad!

I started with this photo of my grandparents at a Christmas themed wedding (perfect for the Snowflake papers). I mounted the 4x6 photo on white cardstock and then used 3 papers from the 6x8 pad to create a few layers. The star paper has copper foiling, which adds even more shine to the page.
I used a puffy phrase for my title from the main kit. 

I fussy cut all the stars from the 6x8 pad, which gave me plenty of varying sizes for this layout and a few left over. Plus they're foiled! 
I also added a few puffy stars from the puffy phrases and accents set, and some flat stickers from the 6x12 pad.

I created 5 large clusters across the page with varying colours of stars, and a further cluster underneath the title in the centre.

Overall after fussy cutting the stars this layout was super quick to make and is very shiny and christmassy I think! 

Natalie x