I've a card to share with you today that uses a couple of the March set of Crafty Templates - yes, I know I'm a bit late in posting this one!
After I'd used the "Watering Flowers" template to make this card, the top left area looked a bit bare, so I added a mini garland of flowers and leaves from the "Flower Garland" template to add a little more floral decoration
For a change, I used a tiny snowflake punch to make the pink centres for the flowers on the garland. The printed leaves were leftovers from a card I shared here a week or two ago. So glad I saved them "just in case...." ;)
These papers, along with the chunky flocked letters all came from recent Quirky Kits. From my stash I added the green ribbon for one of the flower stems and a turquoise gems
I've a card to share with you today that uses a couple of the March set of Crafty Templates - yes, I know I'm a bit late in posting this one!
After I'd used the "Watering Flowers" template to make this card, the top left area looked a bit bare, so I added a mini garland of flowers and leaves from the "Flower Garland" template to add a little more floral decoration
For a change, I used a tiny snowflake punch to make the pink centres for the flowers on the garland. The printed leaves were leftovers from a card I shared here a week or two ago. So glad I saved them "just in case...." ;)
These papers, along with the chunky flocked letters all came from recent Quirky Kits. From my stash I added the green ribbon for one of the flower stems and a turquoise gems
Find out all you need to know about Crafty Templates and Quirky Kits by clicking HERE!
There's a new Quirky Kit due out soon, so don't miss out on yours - numbers are always limited and they sell out fast!
Thanks for looking in today
Happy Crafting
Kathy xx